Positve Identities

This was the final year group project as part of my Game Design and Development Bsc. The Idea was to create a mobile app for children age 8 to 11, that revolves around educating and informing them of different identities within the LGBTQ+ community. We were working for our client Barnado’s, a children’s charity that protects and supports the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people.

I worked on a great team with two fellow students, one in Web Design and Technology one in Graphics for Games. My main role on the project was the Design and Development of two games inside the learning app in cooperation with our client.

Once I gathered enough information from my client, I started to look for similar games aimed at our demographic. I was Influenced by the BBC Bitesize learning games for their great looks and flow.


I have developed the games in Unity 2019.3.9f1. It was a great opportunity to gain more experience with C# and solidify my knowledge with the Engine. I used Visual Studio for programming and GitHub for Source control. I made the graphics with Photoshop and Illustrator, allowing my team to fit their artwork to my art style. I also had the chance to create small audio elements for UI events with Audacity.

I could refine my work through prototyping and presenting my games and frequently looking for feedback. Also, each game had to work on its own, so I made sure not to implement any dependencies between them.


Real-time strategy space game with simple AI. Created in with C# in the Unity Engine.

Look Development, Texturing, Lighting, Advanced Rendering and Compositing

This projects aim was to develop a 3D scene in a chosen look. The work includes texturing and shader development, lighting of the scene, rendering high quality images and compositing of the final product.


The scenes lighting should show the fruit bowl in a dark room lit by cold moonlight falling through the window contrasted by a warm and ‘cosy’ candlelight.


Textures were made in Adobe Substance Painter and exported in 4k .exr. Texture maps used are base colour, roughness, metallic, normal and height. The apple leaf was later replaced with a leaf scan from Quixel Megascans.


My first try at giving the impression of moonlight coming through a window I positioned two area lights next to the object. The HDR Image used for the sky-dome, with its bright single light should have simulated the moon.

The overall result was to bright and the ‘window’ only visible in the reflections. I replaced the HDRI with a starfield HDRI and instead of the two area-lights mimicking a window, I placed a single spotlight with a gobo lighting the objects. I also added the candle for backlighting to the scene which provides a warm contrast to the gobo-spotlight.


Renders were made in 3840x2160 with a pixel density of 300ppi to produce high quality images.


The final compositing was made in The Foundry Nuke. To gain more control in the compositing process each light has its own AOV light group in Maya with custom light path expressions for direct- / indirect-diffuse, specular and subsurface scattering.

Breakdown Video:
Post-Apocalyptic Interactive Environment

Fictional interactive enviroment created in the Unreal Engine and the use of Blueprints.

Video fly through: